- Pregnancy Awareness Month
- Mothers Day
- National Women's Health Week
- National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
- Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month
- 9-15 Children's Mental Health Week
- 16-22 National Running and Fitness Week
Chocolate 'may prevent preeclampsia' according to new US research.
Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is rich in a chemical called theobromine, which stimulates the heart, relaxes smooth muscle and dilates blood vessels, and has been used to treat chest pain, high blood pressure, and hardening of the arteries.
Preeclampsia, in which blood pressure spikes during pregnancy while excess protein is released into the urine, has many features in common with heart disease.
Yale University looked at 2,291 women who delivered a single infant, and asked them about their chocolate consumption and tested levels of theobromine in infants' umbilical cord blood.
Women who consumed the most chocolate (five or more servings) and those whose infants had the highest concentration of theobromine in their cord blood were the least likely to develop preeclampsia. 69 percent were less likely to develop the complication than those in the lowest quarter.
Theobromine could improve circulation within the placenta while blocking oxidative stress, or it could also be a stand-in for other beneficial chemicals found in chocolate, Triche and her team note in the May issue of Epidemiology.
Previous reports have also shown that babies born to moms who ate chocolate were “happier” than other kids.
This could be due to flavinoids improving blood flow and hormones.
Higher Vitamin D intake requested.
Authors of a study from Children’s Hospital and Research Center argue for higher vitamin D supplementation, particularly among pregnant women, nursing infants, elderly and African Americans. They call for increases in current recommendations of 200IU’s for children and
* The Healthy Baby Prenatal vitamins AM & PM formula contain 550 IU’s of Vitamin D3. Other prenatal multivitamins contain about 400 IU’s of D. www.healthybabyvitamins.com or www.expectingfitness.com
Can a mom’s diet control the sex of a baby?
From the University of Exeter and Oxford comes a study theorizing that a mom’s diet could influence the sex of her child as the moms who had eaten the most calories seemed to be more likely to have boys. 56% of women with the highest intake had boys and only 46% did with the lowest caloric intake.
Animal studies have also shown more girls being born in leaner times. Other studies show moms nursing boys longer than girls. The researchers do reiterate that “sperm” does determine the sex of the baby – not food.
The diet theory of more calories controlling the sex outcome doesn’t quite work. The facts are:
1/ boy sperm are faster but weaker than girl sperm and will get to the egg quicker. If it’s there, if not the boy sperm will die off,
2/ girl sperm being slower but stronger will get to the egg if ovulation is later than the arrival of the boy sperm. This is the only way how a woman with a very “regular cycle” can time intercourse to control the sex of her baby with 87% accuracy.
3/ more boys are conceived than girls (faster sperm), but more girls are born and survive the first year (stronger sperm). Hence there are more women in the world than men.
You would then have to theorize that boys may need more nutrition to survive than the “sturdier” girls that can handle “leaner” situations better. This could be a “Mother Nature’s” “evolutionary design to facilitate more women being born in leaner “famine” times for better survival of the human race. Women are the ones with the womb. Developing countries proportion of boys is also found to be dropping.
So it is not that eating more will enhance your chances of having a boy, it is more likely that eating more will enhance your chances of a boy fertilized egg surviving conception and pregnancy.
Vaccinations and Neurological Disorders.
A private independent study, produced by Survey USA*, unlike those by pharmaceutical corporations, has shown dramatic links between neurological disorders and vaccinations. The study looked at 29,491 children from California and Oregon, 991 of whom had never been vaccinated. Results showed that twice the number of vaccinated children had autism and the rates of many other neurological disorders were much worse. The rates were for vaccinated boys 155% more neurological disorders than unvaccinated boys, 224% more ADHA, 61% more autism. In boys aged 11-17 the rates were 158% more neurological disorders, 317% more ADHA, and 112% more autism and in all boys and girls there was a 120% increase in asthma than in unvaccinated kids.
*Survey USA has among its clients most pharmaceutical companies, but were able to provide an unbiased study for less than $200,000 that the CDC with an $8 billion budget have been unwilling/unable to do. It was financed by Generation Rescue, a group of families with autistic children.
The America Medical Association also has not been able to show that vaccinations has saved any lives nor increased longevity. The biggest problem seems to be with multiple vaccinations given at the same time. Maybe it’s time we started questioning if not the validity of many vaccinations but at least spreading vaccinations out over time and only giving one at a time, to reduce toxicity. Also discuss with caregivers which if any vaccinations can be eliminated. Growing up in Europe in the 70’s when moms pushed you toward any kid with measles etc… so that you would ensure getting all of the childhood diseases you were “supposed to get”, as a means of “Immunizing” yourself, makes more sense. Personally, I had all diseases except chicken pox that all 14 year old females were mandatorily (by the state) vaccinated from if they hadn’t had it, to prevent any future possible birth defect should the disease be acquired during a pregnancy.