Thursday, July 10, 2008
Dehydration is a major casue of premature delivery. Be careful with bottled water, and do not drink out of a plastic bottle that has been in a hot car or reuse plastic bottles as bisphenols (BPA) can leach into the water. although by taking your Folate in your prenatal vitamins you can prevent toxic effects of bisphenols.
DHA improves children's brain power, according to a Martek BioScience study. Docosahexaenoid acid (DHA) (fish oil) intake of 400 mg a day can increase mental capacity in pre-school children. We already know DHA are the building blocks of the brain and is vital during pregnancy and infancy, but this study extends that benefit through childhood. DHA is also linked to better heart, eye and skin health, like eczema. Unfortunately most American children consume less than 30 mg of DHA a day. 06/30/08
SIDS linked to Brain Chemical Dysfunction. Italian researches found in an unrelated serotonin study on mice that a malfunction in the regulation of the brain chemcal serotonin could be the cause of SIDS. Serotonin is a chemcial that helps the brain communicate with nerve cells and the spinal cord and is important for heart rate, breathing and temperature regulation etc...Serotonin is affected by ones diet, nutirtional intake, DHA, exercise habits, and babies can be affected by stomach sleeping and over-bundling or over heating. 07/03/08